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Launch: A Docuseries [Page73 Org.]
C0-starring yours truly, follow me on my playwright journey to my Off-Broadway debut of LA RACE (fall 2022), in this first time ever short-form documentary of the process from paper to stage and my very candid and intimate, revelations, opinions, and thoughts. Follow, subscribe and like!
Check out GIRL TALES podcast: Stories for the youth with a feminist twist. Episode: Anansi and The Sky Goddess Asase Yaa Written by yours truly available NOW to listen among other wonderful stories!
Some of you may know it’s not just about writing but Submission, Submission, Submission! You can’t win ‘em all but here’s some 2022-2023 updates (Achievements) I’m happy to announce:
2023 South Coast Rep: Pacific Playwright Festival (CRASISS)
2023 New Works Lab @ Playwrights Horizon Workshop (MALAMA)
2022 MacDowell Fellow
2022 Faultline Irons in the Fire workshop of The End of the Line a play in 3pts
2021-2022 Page73 Fellow
Stay tune for more updates this year will be full of exciting developments!
Guess who is finally on New Play Exchange? Me! Yes, you can look me up and get a chance to read my plays.